New friends please !
Hi everyone Just looking to connect with some new pals on this who use the app regularly .
Low carb or low calorie meal plans
Hi all From experience which produced the best results for weight loss in your opinion? I'm trying to compare the two Thanks everyone :)
Workout routines for cardio
Hi all Just wondering if anyone would care to share their cardio routines for the gym. Looking to mix things up a bit and change from my regular routine. Thanks everyone !
Banana raspberry muffins
Hi guys I made ten muffins with this mixture ... two ripe bananas a couple of raspberries and four eggs mixed together. Any idea what calorie amount of put in each muffin ?? There's 2-3 raspberries per muffin
Low calorie meal ideas please !
Hi all ! I'm in need of some low calorie meal ideas for breakfast lunch and dinner. Would appreciate any input or ideas. Thanks everyone:)
Back after a four year cheat day :(
Hi all! Well I'm back again after not having logged on for four years "/ what more can I say other than life got in the way and now more than ever I don't like what I'm seeing. So I'm now at a point where I want to take this serious get to a healthy weight and be happy about my body for once.
Angry at Zumba
I've heard that people's moods change when they exercise but this morning I've experienced something new for me. Went to a Zumba class and got really irritated was starting to get annoyed no idea why but I had to leave the class ...anyone experience this before ?? Don't know what to think
Alcohol is it a total no no ?? Anyone have some low cal alternatives ?
Just wondering if there are any drinks that wouldnt be considered as high in calories as some others? Or should I be giving it up completely ? Thanks
Looking for buddies
Hi all, here I am back yet again....now at the heaviest I've ever been. I'm depressed , my self confidence is going down the drain . Today I rejoined a gym, I'm getting married in 11 months want to feel beautiful. Looking for motivational buddies for support , thank you
slowly going crazy !
Hi everyone I need some help and advice on what i am doing wrong........I started an exercise programme just over 5 weeks ago, ive also logged on here everyday and counted calories, but i am now heavier than i was when i originally started ! I feel i am looking better , my clothes are fitting better and i put more thought…
Weights V Cardio
Hi people Just a question........I heard yesterday that lifting weights is more beneficial than cardio for lossing weight and burning fat......Anyone else heard of this, im new to working in the gym so just want an idea of what exactly i should be doing while im there to ensure im doing something right ! Thank you
Im New ...... sort of lol
Hi all I've used this site before but fell off the horse, im back once again to try it out as i found it worked for me the last time but i gave up when i seen some results, yes i know stupid! I need some friends on the site for motivation , helpful tips and anyone who knows something that can get rid of cellulite you are…