Need tips for blisters!
i just recently got back to working out after a long injury (and significant weight gain) and I have this toe that is blistering like crazy! No matter what I do, I've tried band aids, gauze, fabric toe covers. It hurts like heck and is really effecting the quality of my workout. Any help/tips??!!
Feeling so defeated today. How do you stay motivated?
I am just having one of those days one of those "whats the point?" days. I am feeling so defeated, I have been busting my butt, working out and staying exactly on point with my food and i got on the scale and barely lost. .4 thats it! I got off the scale and immediatly broke down into tears. Im so sick of feeling this way.…
Cheat day- Does it work for you?
I know a lot of people that "diet" give themselves 1 "cheat day" a week to eat what ever they want. However i have found that allowing my self a cheat day is basically like giving myself carte blanche to stuff my face (if i could make a cartoon of me on cheat day i would look like cookie monster!) and I have a hard time…