Well here is my dilemma....... I am unfit and definately need to lose weight. i decided that this year was the year for me to do it. So I (stupidly) entered myself into the ballot for the Great North Run in September. I know I have only been on the new health kick for 6 days but I am already starting to lose interest.…
Hello there, I just thought I would re-introduce myself. I was around for a few months last year and got to know some amazing people. Due to personal reasons I had to stop and re-think. However this time I am back and with avengance. I have entered myself into the ballot for the GNR this year so aim to lose around 6 stone…
Its my first weigh in on Monday (well proper weigh in) and I am worried I am eating too much at work! Today this is what I will have ate at work:- Banana yoghurt cup-of-soup tortilla wrap with ham and low fat coleslaw weight watchers crisps a handful of grapes a small packet of biscuits This is a total of just 600ish…
Well basically from January through to April I did well considering I have alot to lose but since then I seem to have fallen off the wagon! Over the last few weeks I have noticed the weight creeping back on again which is NOT what I want. So I am asking for all the help possible. I am not great with motivation but know I…
Hello All you fellow dieters! Yesterday was my first proper day using this and it went OK. However I did have a headache by late afternoon and I am not sure whether this was lack of food/sugar or something! Anyone got any ideas? Need all the encouragement I can get so please feel free to add me. Pam xox P.S I'm from…