Did anyone else follow the recommendation to link up Pacer? I did, and although it does a great job tracking my walks, it records them as running, which I am not doing. The calories seem to be calculated oddly, too. I'd welcome any feedback or coaching on how to use this app with MFP. Thanks.
Hello! Today my fitness friend and I did some interval training. We walked a path that is 1.25 miles twice, and stopped about 10 times to do push-ups, squats, lunges, leg lifts, etc. We walked at a good clip, an average of 3.5 miles/hr for the most of it, and at a slow pace of about 2.5 miles/hr for the last half mile or…
My bathroom scale is wonky. I will step on it, it finds a weight and blinks to let me know it has done so. Then I step off to let it reset. The 2nd-3rd-4th time I step on, the weight is a few pounds lighter than the first time. All the subsequent weights agree. Do I track the lighter weight? :huh: