"Multi-purpose those Halloween decorations and use them to sneak in a quick bicep / tricep workout!" Watch here: http://deniseaustinfan.blogspot.com/2017/10/denise-austin-halloween-mini-workout.html
Denise Austin is getting a little long in the tooth. She still looks good but at least she looks her age now. :) Denise Austin has aged well. She seems not to have augmentation, botox, plastic surgery, etc. (That is, I’m not saying Denise hasn’t but if she has it’s less discernible.) She does enjoy photo retouching though.…
Full episodes from Denise Austin's Lifetime shows. Daily Workout http://deniseaustinfan.blogspot.com/search/label/Daily Workout Fit and Lite http://deniseaustinfan.blogspot.com/search/label/Fit and Lite
In a Washington DC newspaper story, someone asked Denise Austin in April of 2007 if she knew she was the object of so much lust on YouTube. Denise said she was not aware. “Now I’m worried!" she reportedly said with a giggle. "I went to YouTube to see that autistic kid playing basketball in New York. That was wonderful.…