Hello! Looking to add more stay at home mom friends on here! The biggest thing I struggle with is using food to reward myself for making it thru a stressful afternoon or day. Does anyone else struggle with that or have any suggestions or things that have helped them? I'm with my 2 and 3 year all day every day and I love…
Hello! I'm a mom of a 3 y/o girl and 1 y/o boy. I've been active on mfp for almost 100 days, the longest I've ever been. I'm proud of myself for being on this long, but why is it that everyday I find something I'm disappointed in myself for even if it's been a great day? Well this is the day that I'm deciding to take a…
Hello! Im looking for some friends who can relate to the farming and country lifestyle! Please add me if u do, thx!
Hello! Im a mom of 3 and 1 year old and looking to add some physically fit moms or women who are willimg to share their food journals so i can get some ideas of what to eat when im goin thru a lull;) i am at about 22% bf but would like to get to 20%. I work out at a gym a few times a week amd lift but just started this…