I started trying to lose some weight and get in shape. Initially, I did this by boxing training, ie. heavy bag and speed bag. I wanted to spread out into some other areas of cardio and haven't been having a good time of it. I always hated running, and now running a marathon is kind of my ultimate goal (because of my old…
I am 6'1 and have dropped from 212 to 190. I feel okay with myself weight-wise, and I'm seeing a small bit of definition in my chest and stomach (minus the bit of love handles that are left). I've been listening to most of what I read on forums and sites about losing body fat and then trying to tone/bulk. I am wondering if…
Anyone know of a calculator that you can input macros you need, maybe at the end of the day, or anytime that will tell you good foods? ie. At the end of the day I have 500 calories left, but need 15g Protein, 10% calcium, and 5% vitamin C. Is there anything out there that allows to enter that info and gives food with close…