add me please
I would love to have some supportive friends ...im tryin to do this butbi know I need support..add me if u would like.. Im katika my the way
what should I set
Hi ...I am a crew trainer in fast food ...I work 5 days a week eight hours ..I am on my feet all day going from place to place...on my off days im doing the usaul cleaning cookin and relaxing ...what should I put sedentary or what? Please help...
hey y'all
Okay so i am at this again i lost sevnty pounds got down to 170 now im back to 200 i am tall so i carry it well but i can feel it.bb in my joints so here i am i want.to get down to 160 this round but i need motivation and support so if u thi.k u could be help that would be great ....