Losing 5 kgs
Hi I just got married 4 months back and have gained 5 kgs since there is a lot of socialising. Now I have joined a gym and my routine is to do cardio and strength training on alternate days. When I joined my weight was 62.2 kgs and when i checked after a week of workout it was 62.6kgs. This has really demotivated me and I…
Losing weight after holiday
Hi I used to exercise regularly and recently went on a two months holiday and gained 20 pounds. I used to have just food, soft drinks, chocolates regularly and now I want to lose all the extra weight that I have gained. I have started eating normal food without have any junk so would I start losing weight that I have…
Banish fat, boost metabolism
Hello I weigh 120 lbs and I just want to lose some flab from my tummy. I started doing Banish Fat boost metabolism but the workout is too long and I dont have enough time so I started doing circuit 2, 3, and 6 twice a day and have also started doing pop pilates once a day. Is this workout good enough ? Is dere any better…