Heart Rate Question
If I jog for 20 minutes and I notice that my heart rate monitor says 161 bpm (about 80%) for a while and then I get tired and walk, lowering my heart rate to 130 (a little less than 50%), and then I kick it back into high gear and get back up to the upper 150s or 160s what is my overall heart rate? Do I average the high…
How much cardio?
I've read that I should either be getting 2.5 hours/week of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes/week of vigorous exercise. I know what my target heart rate range would be for those two categories, so my question is, what if I alternate? What if I exercise moderately some days and vigorously on others, what should my…
Vigorous aerobic exercise
So, according to most web sites I've found, vigorous aerobic exercise is when your heart rate is between 70% and 85% of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). I have done all the calculations to figure that out and even have an app to help me with that. So, I warm up on the elliptical, stretch, then start a 20 minute preprogrammed…