I Have the Worst Sweet Tooth Ever. Send Help.
So I mostly eat pretty healthy. My biggest food/diet challenges are A. my portions are too big (going back for seconds, for instance, when I know I really don't need to) and B. my insane sweet tooth. I've tried going cold turkey on sugar and it plain does. not. work. I've tried the "just eat fruit!" version, that didn't…
Goal = Lose 50 lbs in a Year.
Hi, my name is Katie. I used MyFitnessPal to successfully lose twenty pounds a few years ago, which helped me to stay healthy during my first pregnancy. I've had another baby since then and, four years later, I now have FIFTY pounds to lose instead of twenty. My goal is to lose the weight over the course of a year, with my…
Ideas for Raw Food Snack Bars?
I would like to incorporate more raw "recipes" into my diet. We primarily eat homemade food, but I'd like to see an uptick in the amount of completely unprocessed, even by me, food I'm eating. Any ideas or recipes for how to make myself a raw food snack bar? I'm looking for something with some protein to help me stay full…
Was Your Inspiration a Photo?
Did anyone find a photo of themselves to be the thing that really got them into gear on this, after everything else couldn't keep up the momentum? I did. I had been trying to get into better shape, off and on, for two years. My friend very recently had a baby. She took this photo of me holding her daughter the day after…
How Easy Is It to Switch from Your Average American Diet...
to a sort of Paleo-light while having to shop on a budget? Carbs seem to be my weight-loss's main enemy. When I start eating a decent amount of carbs again, my weight loss stalls. While I don't want to cut them out entirely, I would like them to become a sort of rare treat rather than a common thing. While I'm not willing…
The Worst Thing About Eating Healthy...
... is how terrible you feel when you eat crap! I had two pieces of leftover pizza for breakfast this morning, after having a high-end burger and fries at a bistro last night - I've done the pizza thing before, probably more times than I care to admit, but not since I started this lifestyle change. My stomach has been…
Newbie hello
Hi. I'm Katie, and I started using Myfitnesspal last week - started last Monday and so I guess today if my first-week... anniversary...? However that works. This was suggested to me on another online forum I frequent when I told them about the problems I've been having with my weight. I have tried twice in two years to do…