So, trying to re-coop from this semester, I accidentally slept away the whole morning and didn't really wake up enough to actually do anything until noon. So, this means I chopped a whole meal out of my plan. I'm one of those people that must have breakfast, but since I slept through it, I'm not sure how to make up for the…
Hello everyone. I'm starting an internship in a little over a week, and I'm looking to pack lunches to take with me (so I don't have to fight traffic to eat out, or go hungry for 8 hours). I've found a few "main" parts for lunches through Google searches, but I'd like to have a good list of things to choose from. Now,…
Hello everyone. I just joined myfitnesspal after I saw members on another community talking about it. It sounded like the help I need to keep track of my food and exercise in order to lose weight and get back into shape before my graduation in December. I'm also wanting to at least tone up this summer while I'm interning…