I've never taken any fat burner pills before and my friends recommended Animal Cuts and Trim X3 but I'm still not sure which one is better?
So I got my free box today and ended up eating maybe 7 bars! I feel terrible but they're addictive and I felt like eating another bar after finishing one :( I don't think I'll be ordering any quest bars ever again. I can't trust myself with a box of quest bars in my house.
I've been fat my whole life and when I started to diet and exercise and get close to my goal weight I ruined everything and gained 7 kilos while I was on vacation with my family... I feel fat and ugly and I just wanna die... Its so hard getting back on track specially when you have finals and a lot of things to worry about
I usually eat around 1200 cals per day but today I had 1600 cals. Am I going to gain weight?