75 pound lost 238lbs -163lbs 29 Years old Mother to one Top photo around August 2012 Bottom a week ago July 2015 I added in two more that show more of my body then and now. The second one is the best body one i can find. I am still terrified of photos being taken of me showing my full body. I need to get used to that! My…
Another post gave me this idea! Name the people you are told you look like (Celebrities ect) and post their photos. THEN, go to others and under QUOTE place photos of who you think their look alikes are either from their list or your own thoughts!
Here is my 50 lb weight loss time lapse. I didn't see a change in my looks and it has had me really down yesterday and today. This helped me see there is some change! 32 more to go! https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1470226_10201654739462836_2078657631_n.jpg