Hi all- I'm new here and need a little advice. I've spent hours over the past couple of days reading all the boards and posts and am very grateful for all the knowledge and support that is shared here! I haven't been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes II, but it runs in my family and some recent symptoms scared me. My…
Hi everyone! I'm Bett, and I'm a carboholic... :bigsmile: I've been here just a few days and love it so far. This is the first time I've seriously dieted, except for pre-cruise and pre-wedding stuff over 20+ years ago. After a recent blood sugar scare and an 'angry liver', I'm finally cleaning up my act. I would love some…
Some of us can be hard on ourselves, get discouraged or minimize our progress. It made me think of something Elizabeth Taylor said that has really stuck with me over the years. When she thought her weight loss was insignificant or not going fast enough, she'd find something that weighed what she had lost (in her example it…