Woo Hoo!!
Stepped on the scale this morning to see I've finally gotten below 130 lbs!! (129.8, but still!!!) Haven't seen that "2" in a LONG time :happy:
I've been serious about this for a few weeks now, and I had been finding myself totally happy and comfortable working within my calorie range. I tried to balance my exercise to work off any "splurge" calories I might be taking in, and that was working. This week, though, I am finding myself to be hungry most of the time.…
Looking for "friends"
Hi, I've been using this site for a few months now, but I'm finally thinking having some MFP "Friends" might help me along. I'm a mom of a 2 1/2 year old, and I still haven't managed to lose the last 15 or so lbs of "baby weight."