What do you guys eat and what exercises do you do? Im new to this and really clueless, Im 21 years old and weigh 170 lbs. and I'm 5" and I really want to look and feel good :) I need the help. lol
What do you guys eat In the morning? Please helpe out..
omg this is my hardest meal in the day.. I'm sooo used to fat foods its so sad...please can you guys give me ideas Thanks ...im back in the race!!
:wink: hey I'm 20 years old and i find it really difficult to lose weight.... any one wanna lose weight with me com right ahead :) come Onnnnn Chikas!!!! p.s the heading says "aroung" it should be "around" lol
i want to find someone to work out with i work out at in shape and i have a toddler ...i need i buddy to work out i hate going by my self we could meet over there
i have no friends on here and i really need motivation i just started my diet for real!!! This time and i get soda cravings so bad!!! water is sooo nasty I'm starting to go the gym and I'm doing the 7 day cleanse from gnc but its frustrating to lose weight.. I'm doing this by my self....i really want to be fit im thinking…