Hello everybody! I'm a newbie both to OA and to myfitnesspal. My sponsor suggested this site so I could be more aware of what I'm eating and that I'm following my food plan. Currently my food plan is 3 meals a day no snacks. I'm working the steps...still on step one. My sponsor has me going through the 12 step workbook.…
It all started with a container of Keebler chocolate chip cookies on Monday. I got it to soothe myself because I had just locked my keys in the car and I was pissed. Tuesday my car broke down while I was out of town and I had to stay overnight in a hotel. I consoled myself with 7-eleven chili dogs and cheetos. Not to…
I know that I tend to use holidays as an excuse to come off my food plan and I don't want to do that this time. I want to wake up Friday morning with no food hangover and completely guilt-free. Anyone care to share some ways that I can avoid the common pitfalls of holiday COE???? I would really appreciate your ESH! :smile:…