I'm interested in connecting up with other vertically challenged people in a similar situation to me. It's a long shot, but worth a try lol I'm 4'9 (145cm), mid-30's, mother of two, work from home running my own business and I've been maintaining my weight loss for over 12 months now. I lift weights with a squat rack setup…
Progress Pics. Looking back, I probably should have taken more photos, but I preferred to be the one behind the camera. Keep in mind, I am 4'9 (145cm) tall - or short I guess, so weight distributes differently, particularly with my very short legs. The first pic, from June 2012 isn't me at my heaviest. But it's the only…
First time to start a topic too lol So I've walked/jogged the same route twice a week after school drop-off with a friend every week for the last few months. Saw a couple of magpies (September is nesting season, they started swooping about mid-August this year), but they didn't really bother us, so thought we were on to a…