I asked my partner to...
Hi all! I recently asked my girlfriend to help me lose weight by asking me about temptation before I jump headfirst into it. Eating out is something we usually do on our two days a week together and those are her "cheat days." I, on the other hand, cheat on other days of the week, or not at all to avoid extreme binges…
Headaches Post-Sugar??
I've started noticing I get a headache and feel irritable after eating sugar, bread, or fast food. These side effects can occur anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours after I eat something with over 10 grams of sugar in it. Sometimes the side effects happen; sometimes they don't. I've been reading up on sugar addiction and…
Recovering After Sabatoge?
Hey all! I need some help recovering after a 2000 calorie junk-food binge last night. It's not something I do often (about once a month), but each time I feel worse and worse about doing it! First I was only going to eat the quesadilla, then I was only going to eat the corn dog, then I was only going to eat a milkshake and…