Does anyone have any experience with rowing machines? How is the workout? Is it hard on the body? Good full body workout? How much space do the machines take up and are the ones that can be folded up sturdy enough to last? I want to buy one, but haven't ever used one. I don't know what I need to look for while making the…
Has anyone had surgery post weight loss? I've been debating the idea for over a year now and can't decide if it's something that I want to do. Its obvious that I "need" to have it but I don't know anyone personally who has been through the procedure. I haven't been to a doctor yet but assume that they would want to do a…
I'm posting this in the success stories thread because to me this is a HUGE success. Just the fact that I finally let go was big for me. So, I've lost 125 lbs. but for the last three years I haven't been able to give up all my "fat" clothes. I just couldn't do it. I was scared. Scared that I wouldn't be able to do this,…