took the family up into the Sierras for a day trip. We went from the valley 100 ft elevation to the lake at 5,500 ft elevation. On our walk I noticed heavier breathing and the heart thumping harder. Question is do you think I burned more calories than I would have at home?
Some of the listings are amusing, I like this one: Banana - Banana, Without Skin list your favorite
one inch
I recently hit my goal and switched to maintenance. my new calorie goal went up about 800. I am having difficulty hitting that number. I enjoy the lower cal lunches that that I switched to and I am aware of the approximate counts of food and find it hard to not pick weight friendly meals.
I grill a lot of boneless skinless chicken breasts I have a few different marinades that I use one of my favorites is: 2 shots of tequila 2 shots of olive oil the same amount of prepared garlic mustard whisk it up I use large zip-lock bags to marinade in leave it set for at least 20 minutes then grill. It wont brown very…
Doughnuts are no longer 'doughnuts' they are 'Do NOTs' Share your assists in your quest for better health.