Everyday my personal goals I set up keep changing????? I want them to stay the same day to day. What am I doing wrong? Look a my previous diaries & you'll see what I'm talking! FRUSTATED :angry: Monday 6/17 goals were right so what's happening????
I need no bake low fat & low carb cookies using PB2 :love:
I'm looking for recipes to make healthy "sweet" snacks" using PB2.........:happy:
What does "BUMP" mean????? I feel stupid!
The hardest part of dieting to me is night time! All I can think about is FOOD especially SWEETS! I want to know what to eat to curb my grazing habits? I noticed I have to make myself to eat throughout the day because I'm not that hunger but as soon as the sun goes down & I'm craving! Any input would be greatly…