Marathons and hysterectomy surgery
I've run two half-marathons in the past year and this IS going to be the "full" year....or so I hope. I have a half signed up for early May and a full for mid-June, and was doing some mid-distance (8 miles) training runs in Sept. and Oct. when I started having "feminine issue" bleeding. Heavy feminine issue bleeding. My…
Rant about learning CPR
Yesterday I performed CPR. Not on a mannequin. I performed it on a local businessman, husband, father, grandfather. Yes, I'm an EMT. I'm trained to do CPR. However, I'm three weeks out from a hysterectomy. I wasn't riding on the ambulance yesterday. I'm still another week before I'm allowed to work on the ambulance again.…
Make your doctor a partner in your weight loss...
I've been on a nearly two-year weight loss journey, and I have a fantastic relationship with my general practicioner. I've always struggled with my wieght, but an illness I had three years ago that needed high-dose steroid treatment was where most of my weight was piled on. My doctor guided me through that, then introduced…
Advice on adding weights to running regimen
I've gone from being a couch-lounger to regularly competing in 5 and 10Ks and completing two half marathons in the past year and a half. I run four to five times a week and still have about 30 lbs I want to lose, but at this point I'm not concerned about the weight loss - it'll come with the running. However, my next goal…
Asking for prayers
I'm the editor of the local weekly paper, and an EMT for our rural ambulance service. It's been a way crappy week so far. On Saturday I was paged to an address I knew — a 20 year old friend of mine killed herself. Monday, my dad was hospitalized. Today, one of my good friends, only 56, died of a stroke. Again, I was on the…