Hey guys. I've been inactive here for a looong time ever since I started college. This has been (strictly) my diet for a long time: Breakfast: 1. 1 low fat strawberry pop tart Snack in between classes/keep me awake: 80z coffee with cream and Splenda 2. Lunch: Microwaveable Chefboyardee ( the ones that label themselves as…
Ever since I've started this fitness journey, I haven't maintained a weight at a steady rate. I maintained a weight of around 123-125 during the last stretch of my Senior Year( btw, I'm 5 foot 6) . It was very hard to do so, as I had to wake-up at 5:45 am every week day, have a small cereal bowl, and had to snack about…
I'm an 18 year old female and I'm 5 foot 6. Just when school ended at the beginning of May, I was weighing in at 123 lbs ( I started a fitness journey in late January and my starting weight was 144lbs and ate unhealthy foods). I caught a head cold at the end of April. It went away for a week, and then "came back" as a…