My fatigue has been so bad lately, I don't know how I even function anymore, so exercise is totally out of the picture. I started working a full time job sometime in February, and it has done nothing but wipe me out. My first week I managed my workouts, but starting week 2, I was just too tired to care about anything…
I'm currently 330 lbs and I exercise every day (usually one day strength training with a personal trainer and the rest either Zumba or aqua classes, with the occasional walk on my aqua days). I have lost 33 lbs since September (watching what I eat, but it was off and on) , but I never actually started counting calories…
I've been going to Zumba on a regular basis the past couple of months, and I always stand in the back row near the exit because my lower body is a little weak and it would be easy for me to walk out if I need to sit down for a minute. It has worked for me most of the time, but then twice this week (out of 3 classes) I've…
Hi, I'm new to the site but not new to weight loss. I've lost 134 lbs before, but I gained it all back, plus a bunch more. Now I've been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis this year, and I almost lost my ability to walk back in December. It was then that I decided I had to do whatever I can to live my life as normally as I…