So the flu has hit me.... better late than never huh? I feel terrible! Should I stop working out till this passes or should I push through it? I think i may be able to work out for a bit, but I've always been told to rest as much a possible......
I'm sure we all get to that last 5-10 min of a workout and have "that" song to get you thru.. atleast I do! I'm a big fan of Eminem, he gets me thru... I want to add some great songs to my Ipod. what are some of YOUR songs that get you thru?
I seem to always be over on my protein amounts, is this something that is a horrible thing? I assume if i weren't over I'd probably be starving!!
Hi Guys, I've been on here for about a week now, LOVING it so far, BUT I need more friends for motivation! I'm 27 trying to get in shape so I can join the National Guard!! I have 30 pounds to lose. I need all the help, motivation and advise I can get. pls help!