The Mental and Physical Health Challenge- MFP Edition
Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Myers. Given the responses, I can see that many were disappointed that they did not receive a message regarding the Biggest Loser Challenge- MFP Edition. It's after 12 am here on 07/01/2013 and forever reason I didn't receive a message either!! But that's okay!!! I have decided to host a…
The Biggest Losers for Week 2- July, 12th thru July 19th
Week 2-July 12th thru July 19th 2013 Drum roll!!! The Biggest Losers for our 2nd week of the Mental & Physical Health Challenge- MFP Edition is: rbealynnh (193.4, 190.1 = 1.71% loss) & tropicalgirl34 ( did not weigh-in) with a Total of 1.71% weight loss as a Team!!! Congratulations to the both of you. Job well done!!!…
Checking In
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Hope everyone is having lot's of success with getting/staying healthy!!
To introduce Myself
Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Selena Myers, Licensed Professional Counselor. I'm new to Myfitnesspal. As I searched for groups to join, I noticed that the last line of this group says it all for me, professionals trying to live the advice that they give!! As some have said, I to don't want to be a hypocrite, not following…