What the heck?!
:mad: According to this website, I should weight liike 130. Well I don't. I weight 141! I've lost MAYBE 4 pounds at the most. what's up with this!?!?! It's been two months. my BMR is about 1450 I eat 1200 calories a day, ride my horse almost everyday, plus work 3 times a week plus I exercise almost every stinking tay! (Tae…
*UGH!* Not feeling very good about my situation.
So. The main reason I wanted to lose some weight is because I wan't to improve my riding more, and losing weight would make that easier. However, I just discovered I have to sell my horse. My reason for living. I'm not kidding. I have no friends but one. That's it. And she's an hour away. My horse, the barn, that is my…
I'm new here!
I just wanted to introduce myself- I'm Allison. I've recently been seeing the scale creep up week after week, an decided if I do nothing about it now, I don't like where I'll be in 10-15 years. I'm 16. I'm not consumed with losing weight, rather, I want to be healthy. I ride horses, and plan to do it for a living, so I…