Gaining weight and don’t know why?
Help!! I keep track of my food intake and I track my workouts as well. I’m always under my calories goal and I workout every day. About 600-700 calories burned. I will lose weight, then gain back. Then lose it and gain back again on weekend.
Apple iWatch
I have the iWatch and I heard that you can use it to track how many calories are burned with your strength training because it has the heart rate monitor. Is this so and how does that work? Is there a certain app I need to download? I have a Fitbit but wanted to put my iWatch to use.
Stage 2 soft foods
I am 1 week post op and I will be starting stage 2 soft foods this Thursday, what are some ideas of foods that I will be able to eat? I have lost 15 lbs since surgery January 27th.