Nausea after eating eggs.
I've noticed that whenever I eat just eggs for breakfast, I become very nauseous afterwards. Normally, I would have a piece of toast with an egg, but when I have 2 eggs by themselves I experience these symptoms. This doesn't happen with any other foods I seem to consume and has me confused as to what is wrong with me. I…
Healthy weight, but very weak.
Hi guys! I'm a college student who spends most of her day sitting, but in the past few months I've lost a bit of weight. This was shocking to me as I was not trying to lose weight, and not exactly exercising much. I suspected that the weight I lost came from muscle weight. Though I am at a healthy weight, and look healthy,…
Food for elderly lady with very restrictive diet.
My grandmother is a frail old lady. She is the epitome of skin and bones, weighing a mere 90 pounds with her height of 5'5''. I seriously worry for her as she is frequently unwell and has many diet restrictions. She has a pretty severe acid reflux problem, a high cholesterol problem, digestive problems and a stubborn…