My mother generally snacks on peanuts or almonds rather than chocolate or junk food. However, all my father's done recently is go on about how they're putting weight on her not taking it off. Some places say that nuts are full of fat and bad for you. Some say that they may be fatty but the benefits outweigh the…
Hi all! I suffer from psoritatic arthritis which affects my hands, hips, knees, ankles, feet and shoulders among other things. I have to walk with crutches. I also broke my leg and foot last August (tib, fib, two breaks in foot, chipped off bone and torn ligament). I had to have the metalwork removed from my leg (but not…
Hi all! My name's Vicky. I'm 28, 5'2" and have always been comfortable with a weight between 12-13 stone (I'm resigned to the fact that I'll never be any lighter, both sides of my family are curvy, no matter how hard they diet.) I have psoriatic arthritis, among other health issues, which has restricted my exercise due to…