Losing weight after an injury.

Hi all!

My name's Vicky. I'm 28, 5'2" and have always been comfortable with a weight between 12-13 stone (I'm resigned to the fact that I'll never be any lighter, both sides of my family are curvy, no matter how hard they diet.) I have psoriatic arthritis, among other health issues, which has restricted my exercise due to pain and lack of mobility. So I know I'm never going to be a size 10 but I'd at least like to get down to a 14.

I broke my left leg and foot in August last year, (tib, fib, two breaks in foot and a piece chipped off) and ended up in surgery having metalwork in. Due to complications with the metalwork (incompetent doctor not picking up on infection and letting it fester until it reached the metalwork) I ended back in hospital in April for 17 days while they took the metalwork out and put me on a negative wound therapy machine, which basically means that since then I've had a huge hole in my leg which they decided to close naturally instead of stitching, I had the machine off a fortnight ago. The wound is almost healed, a few more months and it should be fully closed and granulated.

The problem is, for the past 10 months I have been very inactive, so I've put on weight (especially chest, bum and tummy fat, grr). Add comfort eating from depression since I broke my leg, to make matters worse.

My boyfriend proposed in February and we'd like to get married next May. I really want to lose the weight I've put on before then, but I know it's going to be a slow process because my muscles have all weakened - especially in my left leg. I've been told I shouldn't diet because my body needs the nutrients to heal, so instead of cutting down I've been trying to eat a healthier alternatives (my diet is usually terrible). I don't eat much but what I do eat is generally the wrong thing.

I am waiting for a referral from physiotherapy to go through, then I'll have weekly appointments and will ask them for exercises suitable for my injury to do at home.

I found the Myfitnesspal on Facebook and decided to try it out, and from there came to check out the website. I don't normally join forums, but everyone here seems very supportive and helpful. Sorry for the rambling on and thanks for reading!
