Today I celebrate 1,460 in a row for logging on MFP
4 years down, 86lbs, and still going......
30 more days till I hit 1,000 in a row
For those of you that have gotten this far, what keeps you motivated to continue? Are you on a maintenance plan or still making improvements? Thanks in advance.
Friday will be 700 days in a row for me on MFP...
for other at this point how do you stay motivated. I'm only about 5lbs from my goal but what makes you continue or do you move on to something else? Thanks in Advance
Bulgarian Strength Bag
Hello, I have a habit of picking very little known workout tools which leads me to this post. Six years ago I started using kettlebells which I love to this day, funny thing now is that they are every where. So I saw an article about something called a Bulgarian Strength Bag. So as of last night I made my own bag that…
Sandbag training
I have seen several post from people training with sandbags and am wanting to supplement my Cage Fitness with sandbag training. I've a sandbag for about 3 years now and it currently weighs 62lbs. So if I use this bag, and do 5 exercises x 5 with a rest between each 'round' I'm thinking this would be a good thing. My…