Camping in MN
If you guys are the camping type. Where are your favorite camping spots in MN My wife, kids and I really enjoy State Parks. #1 for us is probably Itasca State Park, the bike trails are amazing and the trees are beautiful. Plus, we live 80 miles from the entrance and its easy to get to. We have camped at Sibley State Park…
My 2014 Halloween Costume. Look Legit? Or Fail?
So I was going to be Willie from DD. But I lost too much weight. (Damn huh?) and I can't find a cammo suit coat... So how did I do? The beard is 4 months and 26 days of growth. My wife thinks it creepy. I kind of want to go to the mall and see if people ask for autographs. lol
Losing weight problems!
Good problem though!!! My belt just wouldn't go small enough today. Since I'm cheap... I drilled 2 more holes. :)
Any fellow MFPals Snowmobilers?
I live for 1 season!!! I live in Minnesota for a reason! Snow is awesome, the more the better. I didn't realize the reason I lost weight in the winter was because of it either. Even riding casually for 4-8 hours is a calorie burner. I like to ride aggressive and that really burns some cals. Share your passion, brand of…
Why my old pictures are memories and not disgusting.
Weight has been a challenge since I started my full time career 8 years ago. I started my job as a Service Rep in 05. I was 21 and 260 some lbs. My job was then mostly sitting at a desk. I snacked all day and drank lots of pop. By Winter 07 I was 312 Lbs. I had a friend help me get some motivation to head to the gym and…
Keeping goals but changing plans/rewards...Do or Not Do
I actually started the weight loss thing back in January of '13 Started at 281 and in July I started MFP @ 255. At that same time I had a 30 day beard going on and I decided I was not going to shave my beard untill I reached my original goal of 205 lbs. So I had to loose 50 lbs from that day for my beard to be shaved. A…
Any one waiting for season 4 of The Walking Dead to start?
I didn't get into the show till last winter/spring when I watched season 1-2 obsessively. Season 3 just hit netflix a week and a half or so ago and I crammed all 16 episodes in, in about 6 days. I normally do not watch much TV and I was never fond of poorly done zombie shows or movies, but I somehow got hooked. It makes it…
Your 5 most visited websites
MFP The Face Book The Chive Weather Channel Reddit How about you? Feel guilty posting this cause ya know, well my diet will fail because I should be at the gym and not on-line. Or at least thats what that one guy said. lol
Diet....Maintain....Diet Maintain....and so on
I have been losing weight since January 2013 but only using MFP since July and I have not realized this till now but I have been on a diet like I am going down stairs. First a brief (Ok LONG) summary then a question about if it works should I keep doing it or go for a more steady drop. How it all started was a weight loss…
Post weight loss/fitness love life.
Not looking for any graphic stories, dirty details or "would you with?" dirty minded stuff just an honest answer..... Did your love life improve during and after reaching your weight loss/fitness goal? I don't know if it was just me being more fit or overall being healthier, but it has for me. I'd say better and at times a…
3 Worst National Businesses in Your Opinion
So, I really get torqued by businesses that have the "You need me more than I need you attitude". Some I just try to avoid all together and there are a few places I will never do business with again. In your opinion what are the 3 worst businesses and why, in as little of writing as possible. 1. Direct TV (FULL BOYCOTT) -…
Am I doing it right? Confused....
So MFP says I should eat 1640 cals a day. to lose 2 lbs a week. It subtracts 1000 from my normal daily 2640 to achieve the 2lbs a week w/o exercise. I like to exercise by riding my bike. Usually 45-60 min 4 times a week but have the days I go 90 min. Always after a ride I try to take in something for food and energy.…