Hi all! 2013 was a great year for me, it was the year I lost 15 kg. Fast forward to 2016, and it's not looking as rosy anymore. I had a bit of a rough year, and gained back 8kg since January. However last week I decided I'm fed up, and I'm ready to shed that 8kg again. I feel so much better with that weight off! In April I…
Hallo iedereen! Ik geloof dat het een beetje rustig is in deze groep, maar ik wilde toch even checken of er mensen zijn die ervaring hebben met het programma Rennen met Evy? Ik wil graag beginnen met hardlopen, maar zit te twijfelen of ik dit programma wil doen of toch de C25K. Heeft iemand ervaring met een van beiden of…
Hi guys! I have about a 15 chilies left over, and it would be a shame if I had to throw them out! Does anyone have any good ideas on what to do with such a large quantity of them? I was maybe thinking along the lines of a chili jam or sambal, but I need a good recipe. Thanks!