Welcome everyone! I hope we can encourage each other through the challenges PCOS brings and carry each other towards success!
Hey all.. so I am writing an article about my weight loss journey with PCOS and hope to get it published down the line when I get to goal.. I am not far off and already feel so much better so I have written a draft copy. So far I have lost 35lbs and my aim is to lose another 14. I hope that my story brings a little bit of…
posting photos?
hey guys read the helpful guide at the top re posting photos but i paste my code and it doesnt work.. there is no 20% or anything in it to delete.. any ideas/advice?
Brown period?
Hey all, So this month I had a brown period.. no red blood at all, which I know means old blood..but not sure why I had this. I was thinking perhaps I did not ovulate and im just shedding the built up lining. Ive read this can happen with PCOS.. has anyone experienced the same or got any info on it? Thanks so much xx
my fat clothes
http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/bohrsy88 please see my blog above for photos of me in my fat clothes! felt so good to see the difference!
new blog
Hey all I just started a blog where i am going to share healthy living tips including diet, exercise and anything motivating. I have jsut started so only a few topics up currently but please check in and have a read. Im no expert but ive had great advice from everyone from trainers to naturopaths and will be sharing what…
my new blog
Hey all I just started a blog where i am going to share healthy living tips including diet, exercise and anything motivating. I have jsut started so only a few topics up currently but please check in and have a read. Im no expert but ive had great advice from everyone from trainers to naturopaths and will be sharing what…
My new blog
Hey all I just started a blog where i am going to share healthy living tips including diet, exercise and anything motivating. I have jsut started so only a few topics up currently but please check in and have a read. Im no expert but ive had great advice from everyone from trainers to naturopaths and will be sharing what…
Brown period?
Hey all, So this month I had a brown period.. no red blood at all, which I know means old blood..but not sure why I had this. I was thinking perhaps I did not ovulate and im just shedding the built up lining. Ive read this can happen with PCOS.. has anyone experienced the same or got any info on it? Thanks so much xx
Hey ladies, I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and one of the symptoms is a slow matbolism, insulin resistance and weight gain.. anyone else out there with the same? Particularly in the UK, London area? I want to get a little online support group together.. I have lost over 20lbs so far and after a life long battle…
My stomach before and afer
Hey all Finally figured out how to post photos.. here is a before and after of my stomach.. the before was actually taken a while in to the weight loss so i was actually a fair bit bigger.. but still think it shows a fairly big difference. Ive lost about 30lbs since my biggest.. not as much as some on here i know but im…
Hey guys just not sure how to post photos im copying the 'direct link' from photobucket but it doesnt change to a photo when i save the post.. what am i doing wrong? thanks so much for any help
Journey of my stomach!
The following study is yet another example of how our food choices impact on our fertility. The purpose of this study was to determine whether irregular menstruation, infertility, and hirsutism (heavy growth of hair, often in abnormal distribution) could be alleviated in obese women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome…
Hey all.. so I am writing an article about my weight loss journey with PCOS and hope to get it published in a womens mag down the line when I get to goal.. I am not far off and already feel so much better so I have written a draft copy. So far I have lost 35lbs and my aim is to lose another 14. I hope that my story brings…
Success is not a race, be patient. Success leads to success. Success is always a work in progress. Success doesn't come to you--you go to it. Success is a journey, not a destination. Focus on the process. Some people dream about success... while others wake up and work hard at it. Success is achieved and maintained by…
http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/8877-pcos-ladies A group for PCOS sufferers .. please feel free to join xx
Any pcos sufferers please feel free to join my group- :) sorry to repost but the messages get lost down the list so I just want newbies to see it :) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/8877-pcos-ladies
Anyone with PCOS please feel free to join and seek support and information here :) x http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/8877-pcos-ladies
For anyone that is interested here is a charity called Verity..they are based in the UK but their website is helpful to those of you elsewhere too.. any UK girls that are interested they have an annual conference that I am going to in November.. inbox me if you want to come with! Hope it helps xx…
hey all...need some motivational friends !! People who want support and can offer some back :) ! So far ive lost over 20lbs but been going it alone.. I think its time to socialise hehe .. please add me :) xx
Hey ladies, I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and one of the symptoms is a slow matbolism, insulin resistance and weight gain.. anyone else out there with the same? Particularly in the UK, London area? I want to get a little online support group together.. I have lost over 20lbs so far and after a life long battle…