Hi everyone have the settings for facebook changed? When I lost weight or did exercise it posted on my fb which really motivated me but it does not show anymore any idea why not. Have checked settings and all seem ok.
Hi all been missing for 6 months but think or hope I have got my head straight now. Fingers crossed I can keep on track now.
I stood on the scales today and was horrified to discover I have put 3 lb on. How can this be when I have eaten so carefully this week no rubbish at all. I have been swimming every day even twice some days. I am due on a period tomorrow however! Could this be the reason......... confused ...
I am slowly taking unwanted weight off but it is not showing on my scales on the home page...... what am i doing wrong
Been to gym 4 times this week been swimming 7 hours this week been to water aerobics class this week. Maintained very healthy eating not going above 1200 calories a day sometimes as low as 900 and I have put 3 lb on could someone please please explain as I am nearly in tears here.
How come every set of scales I tread on tells a different story. Mine at home say one thing, those at the doctors tell a different tale and the ones at the gym are different again. WHY???????????