Starting the 30 day shred today, anyone else want to start?
Anyone? I just bought level 1 on iTunes and am going to start in a minute! It would be ace to have new friends that would like to give it a go with me. Add me if you want :) Anyone want too? Vicki xxxxx
Starting the 30 day shred today, does anyone else want to?!
Anyone? I just bought level 1 on iTunes and am going to start in a minute! It would be ace to have new friends that would like to give it a go with me. Add me if you want :) Anyone want too? Vicki xxxxx
Reports. Is there anyway to see further back??
Hi, Im almost at my target but I have been dieting for 14 months so on the REPORT section I can only see the last year. Is there anyway to see further back in a chart? Sorry if Im being useless, its just Id like to see the whole thing!!! Thanks, Vicki :) xx
That funny moment....
When the trousers that are all ready 3 sizes smaller that the ones i was wearing when I started, that didn't fit when I first got them fall down because they are now too big!!! Woooooop :) :)
Put on a huge amount of weight in a few days. Panic
Hi. I have been off work on holiday for the last week and we have been out doing fun activities. There have been some meals out which now I am massively regretting. I put on 2lbs after going to a posh Gorden Ramsey restaraunt. That wasn't that bad because I spent alot of time walking round London and it was a lovely…
"Your not going to loose any more weight are you?"
People saying to to me really annoys me :( People are saying it now to me... I reply with "yes I am because it still fat" Just because you were used to me being really really fat doesn't mean that now I am less fat that I'm stopping. I say I want to loose another stone or possibly stone and a half and they are aghast. Do…
Do you feel thinner? Because I don't....
I feel as fat now as I was when I was a lot heavier and I wondered if anyone else felt the same? I know I am thinner, I know my clothes are smaller but I still feel really fat like I was.... Am I the only one?
When are you at your lightest on the scale during the day?
Just a musing really... I'll confess that I heart the scale and I normally weigh myself twice a day, once when I wake up and once when I come in after work but before dinner. I always thought you were meant to be the lightest in the morning after being asleep, not for me! This morning I weigh 3lbs more than I did before…
Does raised heartbeat=more calories burnt??
Because I have been on steroids (inhaler and tablets now) due to having a chest infection and they make my heart race. At the moment my hr is over 120 bpm and I'm lying under a duvet feeling like rubbish. So am I burning more calories?!! Doctor knows this is happening and is ok with it for now because the only other option…
Depressed because I'm unwell and doing badly :"(
Hi. I'm glum because I have a horrible chest infection and it is really messing up my asthma. I can't breathe, I'm coughing all the time, doc has given antibiotics which make me feel rank, have to take both my inhalers which make me shake and are now affecting my vision. A few days ago I didn't eat anything, yesterday I…
People who have lost lots of lbs...
Having friends on here has really really helped me in the last few weeks and mine are ACE, they are so supportive and I try to be too but I'd really like to have a couple of friends that have lost a lot of weight. I'm on my way but I'd love to "know" some people that have lost a lot as I still have about 70lbs to go which…
Heart rate monitor advice and which should I buy?
I think id like to get a heart rate monitor so I know how many calories in burning whilst at the gym. Just wondered if anyone had any recommendations? I'm in the uk if that makes any difference!! Can you get waterproof ones for swimming?!!! I know nothing about them at all!! Thanks Vicki
Does it help having friends on here?
As title really!! I have been using MFP for the last few weeks and have lost 13lbs and now I have stumbled across the forum and see people talking about having friends on here. What's the benefits?!!! Is it like FB?! Will it make me thinner?! Lol. How do you do it?! Im not really sure how I'm doing this!!! Vicki :)