Hello, I started Herbalife's 21 day cleanse on Tuesday morning, and I am really worried. I haven't had a regular bowel movement since I started. I drink over a gallon of water a day and my stools have become small and hard. My consultant says this is normal, but I thought this was supposed to cleanse and detoxify... If I…
So I need to share this with people I know will understand because my super skinny and very loving husband just doesn't... I have never really been able to work out, alone. I've never had the desire or motivation. Until we bought a BowFlex. Yes it too 3 weeks for me to actually use it, But... My legs are on fire! I worked…
I have a silly question but I can't find a clear answer. If I put 50lbs on each side, does it equal 50lbs of resistance or 100? I don't lift weights so I just don't know :) Thank you in advance!
Hello all, First a little bit about myself. I am 31 years old, 5', 313lbs, and have a heart condition (aortic valvular membrane, had since birth) and have been recently diagnosed (December 2013) with "obesity hypo-ventilation syndrome" which basically means I'm too big for my lungs to function properly which leads to…