Hi, I am new to this group, living in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. I am trying to lose weight for the "N'th" time but hopefully this time it will work. Got an order from my doctor that I have to lose weight, so now it is really serious. :( I hope to have fun and interesting discussions from fellow ketoers.
Do you have good tips on weight loss? Share them with us, and stay positive! :) I begin: * To get more calories burned during the day, add movement to your day. If you lie down, can you sit? Then do it! If you can sit you might as well stand. If you stand, you might as well dance! * When you go shopping, leave your car in…
Hi everyone! I am quite new to this site, and although I have been on diets, I wish that this is the last time I have to do this. I am using the ketogenic way to lose weight, at least for now. Have a good day!