Need some help on health meals/snacks for someone who does not like eggs,eat other than chicken.
what are some good snacks and lunch ideas? I am a very picky eater, I love all kinds of raw veggies and love fruit, but I have found myself craving carbs for the past year, I need some help on some foods and whT is the best way to overcome carb cravings?
i need some help, I'm a type 1 diabetic who has gained a lot of weight like 15 lbs since March. I'm very very picky eater and need some help with what to eat that is low carb for meals and snacks. I really do not eat a lot of meat, no red meat. But I have a big problem trying to find some good healthy low carb lunches.…
I'm a type 1 insulin dependent diabetic, I'm having trouble constantly craving carbs. What are some ways to not crave carbs? I'm trying to lose some weight, but just can't. I'm a picky eater, kind of vegetarian, but will eat some turkey & chicken; but I love sweets and with miss u diabetes that's not real good. How can I…