Does anyone have some tips on getting more definition in abs and arms? Any supplements or moves that you have done or tried would be appreciated!
tips for women: body fat%
If any women out there have any advise on the subject of decreasing body fat% I would be grateful if you would share! I weigh about 138, 5'7", and I have a 26% body fat. I lift weights 3 times a week(circuit training), Pilates 2 days a week and 30 min of additional abs 2 days a week. I guess you could say I am pretty…
Tips for women
If any women out there have any advise on the subject of decreasing body fat% I would be grateful if you would share! I weigh about 138, 5'7", and I have a 26% body fat. I lift weights 3 times a week(circuit training), Pilates 2 days a week and 30 min of additional abs 2 days a week. I guess you could say I am pretty…