Love the change in my body but i feel my head is bigger than my body, Still have about 30lb to go, but Does any body else feel this way about there body image ?
Hello really dont have time to drive to a gym. My. ? Is will a nice bench set around. 100 dollar from walmart be like going to gym for strength training? I have the cardio down packed . Just looking to get tight all over. Need. All advice.
Last night I could not sleep, cause I was so hungry. today had been the same what's wrong with me? It also feels like something is playing a game in my stomach, lol don't know if its gas are what. here lately i find myself trying to eat at least 1500 cal but that's hard its like I wasn't hungry . please help. I know they…
Will someone tell me which exercise is better to lose weight and tone , cardio or weight training. so many people tell you do this do that, this will work but that wont. really don't know what to do. plus I'm doing all this at home live to far to go to a gym.
How many carbs should a person eat daily to lose weight? I think i am eating to many carbs , I have lost around 12 lb since June 6, 2013, I have been doing the Jillian Michaels , DVD 30 day shred plus walking 1.5 to 2 miles every other day. This pass week i didn't do anything my body was busted but i plan on starting back…