Bulking calculator tip.
Hey guys, If any of you are bulking and trying to plug in activity level for a weight gain calculator, i'd thought i'd let you know weight training with free weights is defined as a moderate intesity exercise by the CDC (Yes! I get to eat even MORE!!! I'm gonna regret saying this later though.), just thought i'd throw that…
Important question!!
Hey all, I'm not using the MFP TDEE calculator mainly because I don't trust it. Anyway, I am needing advice on my activity level, I can't find anything on google(shocking, I know). I am currently bulking and collectively lift anywhere between 3-5 hours a week. Is this moderately active? Just wondering! Thanks!
Anyone else bulking? Just have a question.
Hey guys, What mass gainer have you had good experiences with for a decent price(under $50)?
Help! Please!
Hey all, I'm on a bulk(trying to gain muscle), and I need a VERY calorically dense recipie that is high in protein and carbs(idc about how much fat there is, just needs to be less then protein and carbs). Also needs to be a small-er serving! I can't eat 4500 cals a day of regular food! All recipes are greatfully accepted!…