Cucumber drink
This fat flush water is popular! Body Flush and Detox Water 1 cucumber 1 lemon 1 or 2 oranges 2 limes 1 bunch of mint Slice them all and divide the ingredients between four 24 oz. water bottles and fill them up with filtered water. Drink daily! This taste delicious, helps flush fat and counts toward your daily water…
introducing myself as a new member
Glad to find a group that is so positive. My goal is lose 20 lbs. I have attempted to lose this now for the last 15 years. It is so very frustrating, I do not gain nor do I lose. I have never counted anything other then money. My husband and I walk almost every day a slow walk 2.0+ miles per day. Just started the Total Gym…
So Why am not excited?
I have lost a few lbs. How ever instead of being happy and excited I feel like I have lost my BF!!! I have worked on this for 15 yrs, so I just do not get me today!!