Intermittent Fasting.
Hello, So i have decided for the month of spetember I want to try intermittent fasting, I began last night at 8 pm ( a little later then I wanted) and I won't eat until 1100 am today which is in a bout 2 hrs. I was wondering if anyone here does it? and how well has it worked for you? I have a very clean diet so i believe I…
Pondering the Vegan side of life
So I have been pondering the thought of going Vegan, I eat vegan 3 days a weel already, I just find that it helps my sense of well being. Of course I still maintain my clean eating lifestyle I just choose to steer away from animal based products and stick with a more plant based sugarfree, GMO free , gluten free &…
Self Introduction.
Hello All, I am a longtime user but new to the forum & I wanted to introduce myself as I am in a reabilitation I guess. A year ago I lost alot of weight , more like 15 kg, I was quiet happy there but then I got myself addicted to supplements and laxatives, a year down the track I no longer have my periods ( sorry for the…