Aspartame (Crystal Light, and other 'diet drinks')
So we always here conflicting stories about aspartame and sucralose. I keep hearing that those 'chemicals' are actually good for you and help you lose weight. Is this true. I currently do not drink diet anything...but water is getting so boring. Suggestions and or input?? Thanks in advance.
Vertigo and Excercise...
So recently, I have been having bouts of vertigo and dizziness and my doctor did various things to make sure it wasn't my heart or brain. Everything looks normal. But they think I have an inner ear disorder. And its really hard to work out during these bouts of vertigo. Sometimes it can last a whole day. I have been…
Thyroid problems ..
Anyone have any thyroid problems that seem to hinder progress?? DIscuss.
Question for people who have amazing abs...
What kind of exercises got you there? How many reps of each and so on?? I feel like the lower abs are harder to work. Any advice? Thanks in advance.
Alcohol (Can I still have fun?)
So starting a new diet and exercise plan. And I love beer and wine. My husband and I are even brewing some of our own beer. Its really hard to only just limit myself to just one beer on the weekend or one glass of wine. Do I just eat less in the day to compensate?? Don't want to live without the good stuff.