So in the past I've realized that workout is a breeze to me,it's very easy and a big stress reliever.I used it previously but still ate the same and didn't really lose much weight.Well last summer I had been dieting and working out and believe it or not had lost like 30 pounds in a month and a half.It was very shocking…
I'm a 18 year old guy and since I was 14 all I ever wanted was to be thin and toned like so many other boys.I tried for so long to lose weight yet it always never worked,I'd just cry and feel worst because I never reach my goals.Im in a phase now were I don't even want to leave my house or see people untill I get to my…
Hi guys.I've been a member of My Fitness for awhile yet I've never really got involved with the community and I heard that it'll help you become more postive about the experience.I"m 6'3 and 240 weight wise...That's really sad ,I know but I'm trying to change.I happen to want to be really thin like thinner than most boys…