Is your weight loss goal ideal?

Hi guys.I've been a member of My Fitness for awhile yet I've never really got involved with the community and I heard that it'll help you become more postive about the experience.I"m 6'3 and 240 weight wise...That's really sad ,I know but I'm trying to change.I happen to want to be really thin like thinner than most boys would prefeer as strange as it may sound.Zayn Malik is my ideal weight loss inspiration even though that weight wouldn't be considered "ideal" by most men or even women espeacially with my height..I have two questions for you...1.Will Calorie deflict over a matter of 6-7 months be enough to reach my thin dream haha and 2.Is your goal outside of the "ideal" of how people think you should look.Wheater it be being rail thin or a tad bigger around the sides.Thank You!


  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    My goal weight would be outside the 'ideal' range that society deems a 50 year old guy in a developed country (excluding Japan, apparently) would weigh. I'll be on the thin side. That's because I like being thin, plus I have not much muscle on me, and have no intention of increasing that aspect.

    As for yourself, yes, you probably could reach goal weight within 6-7 months, unless you were particularly heavy. But that's on a theoretical basis, 99% of people on a diet do not lose weight consistently from initial weight.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I've no idea who Zayn is. I don't know if that's healthy or not.

    My goal weight is my high school weight. I was as tall then as now. It's down at the bottom of a healthy BMI, but that's my goal. For now, I think it's ideal, but that may change, lol. I may not get there.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    My ultimate DREAM GOAL of 150 pounds is significantly heavier than "ideal" for a 5'5" small framed woman. Considering that I do have a small frame, I should weigh at the lower end of the bmi chart putting me at 115-120 pounds... My ULTIMATE IDEAL DREAM GOAL of 150 is just over into the "overweight" category and definitely on the chunky side. My "realistic goal" is 170.. but 160 would be nice because it would give me a nice even 200 pounds of weight loss.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    1 you dont say what weight is your thin dream.pick a goal figure and aim for it.
    2 i am losing weight for me, not to fit societal norms.
    by bmi, i have gone down the range from morbidly obese> obese> now just overweight.
    when i hit goal next month,will re- assess.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hi guys.I've been a member of My Fitness for awhile yet I've never really got involved with the community and I heard that it'll help you become more postive about the experience.I"m 6'3 and 240 weight wise...That's really sad ,I know but I'm trying to change.I happen to want to be really thin like thinner than most boys would prefeer as strange as it may sound.Zayn Malik is my ideal weight loss inspiration even though that weight wouldn't be considered "ideal" by most men or even women espeacially with my height..I have two questions for you...1.Will Calorie deflict over a matter of 6-7 months be enough to reach my thin dream haha and 2.Is your goal outside of the "ideal" of how people think you should look.Wheater it be being rail thin or a tad bigger around the sides.Thank You!

    Well considerig Zayn is 5 ft 7...don't count on it for 6 ft 3 you are 1 inch shorter than my own son...he looks great...amazing at about 180-190...

    6-7 months perhaps but don't put a time line on your goal....and if you truely want to be "thin" yes you just need a calorie deficit.

    As for my ideal..I don't have one...I chose how I want to look on what makes me happy and I don't choose the scale to define that.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Just get to where you're happy with YOU. You don't need to have an "ideal" weight. You need to be healthy and happy.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Yes, I would agree with focussing on just being the best and healthiest you. Using others as inspiration can be good, just don't try replicate them exactly, as we're all unique and all of our bodies are quite individual.

    As to ideal weight targets, mine is to be slim/ lean, something I've never actually been in my life. I've come close, but it's very much an organic process where I take stock of things along the way, and adjust goals/ targets/ methods to fit the direction I want to go in. I'm not sure where I'll end up yet, but I'll know when I get there, and I'm getting closer there every day :)

    It's good to have aesthetic goals, I think we all do, but just make sure they are healthy ones too :-)
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    my persona goal is below 200 (190-199) which would put in my the overweight category but i take that over class III morbid obesity that i was a year ago.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    "ideal" is going to be different for everyone and there are a lot of variables involved. You have to consider overall frame as well as lean mass, etc.

    My wife and her best friend are the same height...but her friend has a tiny frame and very little in the way of muscle and she weighs around 110-115 or wife has a larger frame and carries a fair bit of muscle...she weighs around 135....and she would look ridiculous (and likely sickly) at anything remotely close to 110 - 115.

    Using myself as an example, I'm 180ish and at a healthy BF%....but as per BMI, I'm just slightly overweight (and I'm by no means a body builder or hugely muscular or anything). If I lost another 5 Lbs , that would put me at the very high end of BMI for me and right around 15% BF...which would be awesome,
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    There's no way to say, because your body type may not be similar to his. Focus on your weight loss and see where you are after those six months.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    My weighloss goal is heavier than what that stupid chart says, but its just a starting point for me. I haven't weighed 170lbs since I graduated highschool and back then I felt I was fat. At the weight I am now, I would be thrilled to be back at that point. Once I reach that goal I will reevaluate and just go as low as I am comfortable with.

    I don't think any goal is unrealistic or not "ideal" as long as you are healthy. You have to be comfortable in your own skin and that is what is important. Anorexic is not healthy. But there are many people out there who may APPEAR to be overly skinny to some, but could be some of the healthiest people out there.

    The goals you need to set do need to be realistic though. I am not a doctor or even a weight loss info savvy person but I do know that setting goals that are way out of a possible realm can be discouraging. I have a total 80lb weight loss goal as of right now, but I am doing it in small increments with rewards at a few milestones to keep me motivated!

    You can do it as long as you stay in the game and keep your eye on your goal! Always reach for the moon because even if you fall short, you'll land among the stars! :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I don't know who you're trying to emulate, but you probably don't know anything about his reality. Lose 10 pounds and re-evaluate. Every step will change your mind.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I think my goal weight will put me right about the size most people would think I should be. I do a lot of physical work so I have quite a bit of muscle which makes me look like I weigh less than I do. Without the muscle I would probably be shooting for around 135 lbs, but upper 140's will be good for my height and age, I think.

    Actually, most people I know constantly tell me I don't need to lose weight now, but most people I know are overweight. So, I think it's relative to culture and location.
  • pigiaki
    pigiaki Posts: 40 Member
    I am 1.60 m and my ideal weight is 50kg although this is very low for me and my goal for the time beingis 54 (i am 56.6 at the moment )
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    My goal weight from the majority of society is probably not ideal, I'd really like to weigh 105 lbs, I'm a shorty so for me it's not a bad goal it's the low medium range for my height, I could weigh 100 lbs and still be in my BMI, however I'm aiming for 110, and still in societies mind, it's not enough. However, most of society is over weight/obese or borderline over weight. I'm at the low end of the high part of my BMI does that make sense? I'm almost to the medium area of my BMI but still considered high but barely. Everyone tells me I don't need to lose more weight, but I'm not happy here, when I got down to 117 lbs, I was told I needed to go eat a hamburger because I looked too thin, but yet I was just in the mid BMI area, still upper mid. I don't care how ideal it is for other's, it isn't about them, this is what makes ME happy. I eat clean, I workout and I take in enough calories for me, so as long as I'm healthy, I think people should stay out of what is right for me, ya know?
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    According to the "Ideal Weight Calculator" I just googled, my ideal weight 'should' be around 140 pounds. My goal weight is actually about 160. I couldn't imagine myself 40 pounds smaller than I am now and honestly don't think I'd look so good that skinny.
  • kefryar
    kefryar Posts: 77 Member
    I'm already at an "ideal" weight at 5'5 and 130 lbs but I would prefer to be around 105 which is technically underweight for my height. Do whatever makes you happy and healthy!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm going for 170 at 5'9"...I might stop before I get there depending on body comp. I don't care about BMI because I think it's complete BS. I would look ridiculous at what it says I should be.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I'm going for 170 at 5'9"...I might stop before I get there depending on body comp. I don't care about BMI because I think it's complete BS. I would look ridiculous at what it says I should be.

    Me too! Seriously...take a look at my photos and try to imagine how awful I'd look if I was 40 pounds less... :angry: Stupid BMI!!